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WeddingChinese WeddingChinese weddings: Why do brides wear huge 24-karat golden pigs around their necks?

Chinese weddings: Why do brides wear huge 24-karat golden pigs around their necks?

Steeped in tradition, cumbersome pig necklaces continue to be hugely popular with Chinese brides who like to pair it with traditional dresses at their nuptials.

In some cultures, especially Chinese culture, wearing a gold pig during a wedding is considered a symbol of good fortune, happiness, and prosperity. Here are the main reasons why people wear a gold pig in weddings:
  1. Symbol of Wealth and Prosperity: The gold pig represents wealth and prosperity. In Chinese culture, pigs are seen as symbols of affluence and abundance because they are valuable livestock that provide food and economic benefits.
  2. Auspiciousness and Good Luck: The gold pig symbolizes good luck and auspiciousness. Wearing a gold pig at a wedding is believed to bring good fortune to the newlyweds, ensuring a happy and successful married life.
  3. Fertility and Many Children: Pigs are often associated with fertility and having many offspring, as they reproduce prolifically. Wearing a gold pig can signify the wish for a family with many children, symbolizing a thriving and prosperous lineage.
  4. Traditional Customs and Cultural Heritage: In some regions, wearing a gold pig is part of the wedding customs and reflects traditional cultural practices. Such rituals connect the newlyweds to their heritage and the continuity of cultural values.
Overall, wearing a gold pig at a wedding is not just a decorative act but also a way to express hopes for a prosperous, happy, and fruitful married life.  
  1. 象征富贵和繁荣:金猪象征着财富和繁荣。在中国文化中,猪被视为富裕和丰收的象征,因为猪在农业社会中是重要的家畜,能够提供食物和经济价值。
  2. 吉祥和好运:金猪代表着吉祥和好运。在婚礼上佩戴金猪可以带来好运,使新婚夫妇在婚后生活中顺利幸福。
  3. 生育和多子多孙:猪象征多子多孙,因为猪通常繁殖力强。戴金猪也寓意着婚后能够子孙满堂,家庭兴旺。
  4. 传统习俗和文化传承:在一些地区,戴金猪是婚礼习俗的一部分,是传统文化的一种体现。通过这样的仪式,新人能够感受到传统文化的厚重和历史的传承。






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